Related Projects

The VOLC-HAL-CLIM project is primarily funded by an ANR national consortium grant (PI coordinator Roberts).

Related projects include:

Labex VOLTAIRE is an Orléans-based large interdisiplinary project focuses on Geofluids and Volatile Elements – Earth, Atmosphere, Interactions – Resources and Environment ( Labex) and including study of halogens and metals, and co-funds this project along with support from Equipex-Planex for the development of new HTHP experimental facilities (

WRF-Chem Volcano: A 2-year Marie-Sklodowska Curie Intra-European Fellowship awarded to Surl & Roberts(host) 2019-2020 at LPC2E-LATMOS has enabled L. Surl to develop the WRF-Chem model to simulated volcanic halogen chemistry on local to regional scales, with case studies undertaken at Mt Etna (passive and eruptive conditions), including research collaboration with MPIC Mainz on TROPOMI satellite data.

Météo-France co-funds with the ANR a PhD in the project to develop MOCAGE global model for volcanic halogens.

ALPACA/CASPA: Ongoing project on Alaskan layered pollution and chemical analysis is enabling to characterse the low-cost miniature gas and particle sensors (same ones that are used on volcanoes!) in the polluted – and at times very cold – urban environment of Fairbanks, Alaska during the Arctic winter. This enables to cross-compare directly the sensors to air quality monitors and to develop algorithms for the analysis of sensor outputs. The ongoing findings will feed back to improving the accuracy of measurements made using miniature gas and particle sensors at volcanoes.