
Conferences & Meetings

Roberts T., Surl L., Dayma G., Bekki S., Halogens in Volcanic Plumes: a Chain-of-Models to Interpret BrO, OClO Observations and Quantify Impacts, Invited Talk, IUGG, Montréal July 2019

Surl L., Roberts T., Warnach S., Bekki S., Wagner T., Using WRF-Chem Volcano to model the in-plume halogen chemistry of Mt Etna’s 2018 Eruption, European General Assembley, 2020

Franceschini, Z., Scaillet, S., Cioni, R., Corti, G., Sani, F., Prouteau, G., Scaillet, B., Melaku, A.A.,High intensity ignimbritic activity in the Central sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift, European General Assembley, 2020

Faranda C.F., Prouteau G., Scaillet, J. Andujar and I. Di Carlo, Bromine and Iodine Behaviour in Alkaline Magmas, EMPG XVII, 2020