
Our 4.5-year ANR project investigates volcanic halogens cycling and processes across the deep earth and atmosphere and develops essential tools to assess their impacts on atmospheric composition and climate.

Participants: Five french laboratories are fundded by the ANR project (LPC2E, ISTO, IMPMC, CNRM/Météo-France, LATMOS) in Orléans, Paris and Toulouse, and close collaborations made with ICARE Orléans, and international collaborations such as with MPIC Mainz, Germany.

Funding: we are grateful to ANR (French national research agency) for 4.5 years funding of our consortium project as well as the Orléans Labex VOLTAIRE and Météo-France for co-funding, EQUIPEX-PLANEX and Labex Voltaire laboratory resources, and the European Commission for a Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship.

Volcanoes release vast amounts of gases and particles into the atmosphere. Whilst climate impacts from volcanic sulfur have been intensively studied the scientific community only now begins to realise that significant atmospheric impacts may also result from volcanic halogens. We have already shown these undergo a multi-phase chemistry in the troposphere, resulting in ozone depletion, and can cause massive ozone-layer destruction in the stratosphere alongside major climate impacts. To fully quantify impacts from volcanic halogens requires (i) tracing of their deep subsurface cycling to understand the processes leading to their emission fluxes and (ii) state-of-the-art modelling of their physico-chemical atmospheric processing and fate. By combining our expertise and innovative tools across earth and atmospheric sciences this project will deliver the very first scientific framework to quantify volcanic halogens cycling and their impacts on atmospheric composition and climate.

The VOLC-HAL-CLIM project traces volcanic halogens from the mantle to the atmosphere across two WorkPackages (WP’s) containing 5 interrelated tasks as shown in the figures below. For more details see WP1 (Halogens in Magma) & WP2 (Halogens in the Atmosphere).

Diagram of VOLC-HAL-CLIM project science and interrelated tasks